Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Book One: Many Lives, Many Masters

If I were to analyze this book in one word, that word would be TRANSFORMATION. I choose transformation as the one word because what Dr. Brian Weiss goes through with his patient, Catherine changes both of their lives forever. Before the past-life regressions, Catherine didn't believe in reincarnation, and Dr. Weiss was very skeptical and analytical. Throughout the time of Catherine's hypnotherapy, they began to change in many ways. Catherine not only came to believe in the unending life of the eternal spirits, she was also cured of numerous phobias, recurring nightmares, and panic attacks. Now she's more charismatic than she used to be, and people go to her for advise. Dr. Weiss became very open to new ideas and he doesn't assume that if it's not scientific, it's not true. He can now counsel people more easily through the hardship of dealing with death, whether it's their's or a family member's, and help them get rid of fears instead of just covering them up with medication. And, of course, this book can help others go through their own transformation and teach them that we are eternal.

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