Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Visual Interpretation - Pages 177-203 of Many Lives, Many Masters

Image One: The first image depicts Death leading an old man into a tunnel and an angel leading him as a baby the rest of the way through. This symbolizes the sort of rebirth that both Catherine and Dr. Weiss go through over the course of the last few chapters, as well as the entire book itself. Specifically, it refers to the lesson Catherine relates of the different stages of human life, and the different stages of the spiritual plane. In the book, she says that there are seven different stages of the spiritual plane. However, she says that her spirit has only been through two of the seven stages and that she can't learn about the other five until she has experienced them, learning about one at a time.

Imange Two: The second image depicts an angel at rest. This is relevant to the five-month period related on pages 193 and 194 between one of Catherine's hypnosis session and the next, that also happened to be the last. She still visited Dr. Weiss on a weekly basis, except for a three-week break when she was on vacation. After the five months, she related a nightmare she'd been having and decided to do one more hypnosis session. I chose this image because Catherine didn't need to have hypnosis and her fears were virtually gone. It represents her apparent feeling of peace over those months, and her ability to rest easily.

Image Three: The third image is a version of the last card in the Major Arcana of the tarot, The World. This represents the conclusion of Dr. Weiss' "lesson" about reincarnation and past-life regression--in this book, at least. In the tarot, the Major Arcana--excluding The Fool, which is marked as 0 in the numbering--is like a three-phase journey, with seven cards in each phase. The number 3 is relevant to the Karmic Law of many New Age religions. The seven cards in each phase can be related to the seven stages in the spiritual plane. The World is the seventh card in the third phase, and in relation to this "journey"--often called "The Fool's Journey" for the excluded card of the Major Arcana--represents completion and reaching a goal. At the end of the book Many Lives, Many Masters Dr. Weiss seems to have reached some goal in what he wanted to teach the world.

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